Thursday, 2 April 2015

What Does Science Have To Do With Teeth Whitening?

Teeth Whitening
The science behind teeth whitening is what makes it so effective.  If you use teeth whitening as a way to brighten your teeth and give yourself a better smile, you have stumbled upon the most effective, and inexpensive, way to improve yourself. There is a solution available to you at virtually any price point. So regardless of whether you come in to see us, your teeth whitening specialist or do your whitening at home with a do it yourself kit, you can get your teeth whitened for a very affordable price. Still, the level of results you get will be based on what is happening inside of your tooth (science).
How it works.
A chemical process, teeth whitening should always be carried out with the supervision or oversight of a dentist. This is not because the products available over the counter are harmful, but working with our office can ensure that you have no conditions that could hinder the whitening or become exasperated by the teeth whitening process. Teeth whitening involves a chemical interaction between the chemicals used to whiten and your teeth's organic make up. In order to make the teeth appear whiter, we need to make them more colorless. All matter reflects natural light, bending it so that the brain sees that particular frequency as a unique color. For the teeth, this color is white. Teeth whitening products work because of the oxidization process. However, many of the solutions you buy in the store on remove surface stains and do not start the process of oxidization.
The peroxides used in our solution quickly penetrate the enamel and release free radicals into the organic make-up of the teeth. These free radicals cause the tooth to appear more colorless, and to the brain makes them appear whiter. Since this is a chemical process, it is always advisable to be under the care of a dentist before engaging in teeth whitening. It is also advisable to be careful not to overdo it when it comes to the use of these products. Repeated and frequent exposure to peroxides can cause the teeth to become overly sensitive, and may lead to other challenges.
The two main components used in the manufacture of teeth whitening solutions are carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide. Typically when you are whitening at home, with a do it yourself kit, the solution is hydrogen peroxide based. In the clinic, we will use a carbamide peroxide based solution, which also contains around 35% hydrogen peroxide. Our solution is stronger and produces better results than what you can buy in the store.
Why so many people need to whiten their teeth.
Given the exposure most people have to a variety of foods that stain and discolor their teeth, whitening is a very good option. If you stop and think about the enormous amount of coffee, alone, that is consumed and the effect these gallons can have on teeth, you begin to realize the price your teeth pay for living in the fast paced modern world. On average, 54% of adults drink at least one cup of coffee each day, 68% of those within the first hour of the day. There are over 53 thousand coffee shops to serve you a pick me up, accounting for over $4 billion in imports each year. In terms of this spending a few hundred dollars to fight off the discoloring effects of the chromogen rich coffee we drink, sounds like a bargain. 
